Exam Prep

Preparing for the CPAN® or CAPA® Exam

ABPANC offers a wide range of resources to help you study and prepare for the CPAN and CAPA certification exams. The Certification Candidate Handbook describes all information and policies regarding the CPAN/CAPA examinations and administrations. Read this Handbook thoroughly and carefully before registering for examinations.
Certification Candidate Handbook

CPAN and CAPA Test Blueprints

Review the Test Blueprints to identify your individual learning needs. ABPANC recommends you study from a variety of sources to adequately prepare to sit for the CPAN and CAPA certification examinations.

Please note, as of Spring 2023, both the CPAN and CAPA exams will be following an updated test blueprint.
2023 CPAN Exam Blueprint 2023 CAPA Exam Blueprint

12-Week Study Plans

Use these Study Plans as a guide to help you organize your exam preparation. This plan is based on the CPAN and CAPA Test Blueprints and a weekly learning experience of approximately four hours per week. All of the tasks and knowledge areas listed should be covered thoroughly. These plans are built around a 12-week schedule and should be modified based on individual needs.

2023 CPAN Study Guide 2023 CAPA Study Guide